tirsdag 13. oktober 2009

there is a time for everything...

...and now its about time to be a nerd again! This spring the trend was spending at least 10 hours at school every day - and then do some more work after getting home. Today I got a taste of it again and I bet there are more days like this in the near future - the question isn't when the long days come, its when they stop coming! In a slight frustration, combined with a longing for a break I decided to figure out when my next holiday is. That's one thing I shouldn't have done...to be frank it was a bit depressing - seeing that I won't catch a real break until after i hand in my thesis - September 1st 2010, and by then I should have gotten a job. In order to cope I guess I have to take a break or two during the winter...the first real break will be after handing in the thesis January 15th, but I will squeeze in a weekend break every now and then. Winter is coming up and hopefully there will be more than one occation to go skiing! A wise (?) man said that life is what goes on when you are busy making other plans - I can't put my life on hold for a year either while i finish my thesis! Although I have some obligations to follow up on a daily basis - I have hereby decided to live every day - even if it's only for 5 minutes! Study for 10 hours - live 5 minutes...still not quite right, but I'm on my way...

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